Free and Reduced
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
A new Washington state law (HB1238) requires that all elementary schools with >40% of their students qualifying for Free or Reduced price lunch offer free breakfast and free lunch to all students. We strongly encourage families that feel they may qualify to fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch application. By doing so, our school may qualify to offer this free breakfast and lunch benefit in future school years. Applications are required to be filled out each school year and/or when transferring into a new school. Applications are available on our website and in our school office.
The district participates in the federal free and reduced-price lunch program, which allows families that qualify to obtain either no-cost or reduced-price meals for their child(ren). If you believe you may qualify for this program, please review:
*Please note that the link at the top of the form to apply online is currently under construction - please fill out the papercopy and return to your school's main office.
Donna Bailey
Si necesita esta información en otro idioma, llame al 360-678-2419