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Meal Charge Policy and Meal Pricing

Hello Coupeville Families! There are several big changes in the Connected Food Program this year, and we are excited to begin the 23-24 year.  Washington State passed House Bill 1238 in April 2023, "Meals for Washington's Students", which qualifies all students at Coupeville Elementary for free breakfast and lunch.  We will be starting a 'Grab n' Go' style breakfast, available to all elementary students, in accordance to this new law.  Additional details on how breakfast meal service will happen and what to expect on our breakfast and lunch menus will be available soon.  

Thank you for your support of the Connected Food Program and we are looking forward to the 23-24 School Year!

Si necesita esta información en otro idioma, llame al 360-678-2419

Meal Pricing

Free   Coupeville Elementary School
$3.00  Adult/Guest Price

FREE Coupeville Elementary School 
$3.85  Coupeville Middle and High School
$6.00  Adult/Guest Price

Parents/guardians are able to monitor food service purchases through their confidential Qmlativ/Skyward Family Access account.

Meal Charge Policy

Online Payments for School Lunches

Coming soon!  We are establishing a new financial management system and will be able to accept online payments for school lunches in the near future.