Menu and Nutrition
**Menus are subject to change** Due to nationwide transportation and worker shortages, the Connected Food Program is experiencing difficulty getting the ingredients and food items we normally use. We will inform students and families of any changes as we are able.
September Lunch Menu
Laura Luginbill, MS, Registered Dietitian
Assistant Director
Dietary Accommodation
To discuss or request special dietary accommodation for a student, please see additional details below.
Si necesita esta información en otro idioma, llame al 360-678-2419
Harvest of the Month Calendar
September Harvest of the Month
Kitchen Sink Newsletter
Detailed ingredient and nutrition information for all menu items are available through our SchoolCafe account.
Special Dietary Accommodations
The Connected Food Program accommodates students with a disability or medical need that requires a change in the student’s diet. The accommodation must be reasonable and cannot fundamentally alter the nature of our program. The Request for Special Dietary Accommodations Form must include the name of the student, the Medical Authority signature, and date the form was filled out. The Food Program is not funded to provide special meal accommodations for food preferences. We strive to offer a wide variety of options that allow students to choose foods that meet their food preferences.
Request for Special Dietary Accommodations Form
Word Docx
Special Diet Accommodation Determination Procedure
Contact Laura Luginbill, Assistant Food Service Director and Registered Dietitian, to ask questions or discuss your student's dietary needs.