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Transportation Parent Portal

Welcome Letter to Families

  • Dear Parent/Guardian,

    You now have an easy-access way to reserve a school bus service for your students! We are happy to introduce our new parent transportation portal, Travel Tracker/Bus Quest.

    You will need to register on our transportation website as a parent/guardian of your student.  Please make sure your address and contact information is current.

    Please remember, all students who want to ride a school bus to or from school are required to have a regular schedule for transportation -- but the Travel Tracker application is very flexible, allowing you to change the schedule every week, every other week, etc. Please click on this Travel Tracker Registration Link for the transportation registration portion of the parent portal and register your student’s transportation needs. You will receive an email after the routing of your child is complete with route information, including driver and approximate pickup and drop-off times.

    Registration is highly recommended for all students that will be riding a bus. Upon login to the transportation parent portal, you can add, view bus information, submit bus requests for your child, add contact information, track the bus on its route and update addresses. If you need assistance with registration or login, please contact Rob Wallace at 360-678-2409 or

    This is still a work in progress and we will be working to address any matters that may arise during this implementation period. We will be starting with the Elementary School and then soon after adding the High School and Middle School to the system. If you have any questions, please read the Bus Quest Parent Guide or reach out to the Transportation Dispatcher.

    Thank you,

    Coupeville School District Transportation Department

Parent Portal

Online Registration - Provides Parent Transportation Registration Online - No More Paper Registrations. Easily Handle Parent Requests for Routing a New Student or a Change in Routes. No More Incomplete or Illegible Forms.

Parent Notifications - Easily Notifying Parents of Schedule and Route Changes. Provides Notifications to Parents Individually and/or in Groups via Text and/or Email Anytime. For Example - New Bus Assignments, Regular Agendas, Delays and More.

Easy Access - Parents Can View Bus Information and Also Request Transportation Needs Specific to Each Student.

Parent Portal:

Bus Quest App

Transportation Update-BusQuest!

The app “BusQuest”, was implemented in the District as of February 1, 2022. It will provide you with a bus number, pick-up time, and drop-off time for your students. (More features will be added to the app as we progress.) If you do not have a mobile device, you can create an account using a computer. The parent portal is called Travel Tracker- Routing.

If you haven’t downloaded the BusQuest app, please find the links to the Apple and the Google Play stores below:

Bus Quest App Image

BusQuest - Apps on Google Play

BusQuest on the App Store

Computer Based Version:


BusQuest Tutorial Video