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Family/Guardian Information

Visitation Hours:

  • Monday – Friday 6 PM – 8 PM
  • Weekends, Holidays 12 PM – 3 PM and 6 PM – 8 PM (These hours are not guaranteed)
  • Due to limited space, visitation is limited to 20 minutes.

We strongly encourage families to be involved and visit their child while they reside with us.

While your child resides in the JDC

  • Your child will be cared for by trained Island County Juvenile Detention Center staff.
  • They will experience a safe and caring environment within a structured schedule and clearly defined expectations.
  • Structured schedules are followed including daily routines and meal service.
  • Students are taught responsibility and expectations for room and personal care.

Education in the JDC

  • Your child will be enrolled in the Coupeville School District during their stay at the JDC.
  • Their resident school will be contacted by the JDC school staff.
  • Parents will need to re-enroll their students in their resident school once they are released.
  • We will match their school schedule, contact their resident school/teachers to obtain all the tasks and assignments they need to complete while residing in the JDC.
  • Your child will attend class every school day.
  • Our school operates September through August.
  • Students enrolled in the summer are assessed and placed in coursework according to their academic needs.
  • Materials, school supplies and textbooks are available for our students.
  • Specialized classes may require that we obtain additional textbooks from your child’s school.
  • All students participate in personal health and fitness classes every day.
  • If your child has an individualized education plan (IEP), we will retrieve the record, review your child’s learning goals, and implement instruction based on their needs.
  • Some behavioral IEPs will be suspended while residing in the JDC; for the safety of all students, everyone must comply with the rules and guidelines of the JDC.
  • When your child is released to you, we will forward all completed assignments to their resident school and teachers, to allow for appropriate credit. We will maintain a record of your child’s work.
  • Prior to release, we will survey your child for additional needs we may be able to assist them with.
  • Students have an opportunity to work on job skills and work preparation.
  • Food Handler testing is offered when funding is available.