Student Resources
- Student Records
- Re-enrolling in School
- GED - General Education Diploma
- Job Corps:
- Transfer to a Different School
- Food Banks
- Identification
Student Records
At the Coupeville Schools JDC program, we keep a record of:
Your school work completed and scores.
We do not keep the actual work. This is sent to your school and teachers for credit. We do keep a record of what you accomplished while in our JDC school. This is your student report card.
Test Scores from any assessments you took while in our school.
State testing results are mailed directly to your address of record while you were in the JDC. At times, a copy is available to us, which is stored in your student record at the JDC.
Copies of unofficial transcripts from your school(s) are obtained for most students and added to your JDC school record.
Not all schools send us your records of past classes attempted and/or completed. For copies of your records, our Transition Specialist.
IEP or Individual Education Plans and student progress records are kept for every student who has an IEP. These are retained in your student records at the JDC and also retained at the Coupeville School District Special Education office. Please contact our Transition Specialist.
Community Service hours. Any hours you spent on projects you worked on at the JDC for our partner organizations, are recorded in our Community Service binder. The original document is an Island County record maintained by the JDC school and forwarded to your probation counselor for review. To obtain a copy of your community service hours, please contact your probation counselor at (360) 679-7325
Upon your 18th birthday, your school records are archived in our local archive system. To obtain records beyond your 18th birthday, please contact our Transition Specialist.
Re-enrolling in School
When you arrive at the JDC, you are automatically withdrawn from your previous high school. You are enrolled in the Coupeville School District JDC program, as required by state law.
When you are released, you will need to contact your school counselor to re-enroll in your previous high school. Often this is simple and you return to the same schedule / classes you had prior to entering the JDC. Call your high school and ask for the registrar. They will most likely have you speak to your academic counselor. If you need help re-enrolling, please contact our Transition Specialist.
GED - General Education Diploma
GED programs are conducted under the US Department of Education and Washington State. GED tests must be taken at a testing center located in a community college. On Whidbey Island, Skagit Valley College/Oak Harbor branch offers this testing.
Skagit Valley College/Oak Harbor
We are not able to offer testing programs at the JDC, but we do offer GED practice books and assistance to students released to the GED curriculum by their high school of last enrollment. Students interested in taking the GED must request a release from their local school district. The release must be approved by the school principal or superintendent and is determined on an individual basis for each student.
Contact your local school district for more information to start the process.
Job Corps:
Job Corps is a federal program paid for by the U.S. Department of Labor. It was created to assist young people ages 16-25 in life and work-related skills. You apply to attend a Job Corps program by attending any of their orientation meetings held locally.
Job Corps is an excellent opportunity to complete your GED, high school diploma while gaining work skills and placement in a career of your choice. The closest center is located in Sedro Woolley, Washington and is called the Cascade Job Corps Center.
They offer career paths in:
- Office Management
- Food Service and Culinary Arts
- Masonry (cement workers)
- Commercial Painting
- Carpentry
- Electricians
- Medical and Dental Technicians
You actually move to the center and live in dorms with other young adults. There is no cost to attending the program, all your personal needs including, food, room and board, and supplies and materials are provided for you. All you need is a desire to move on with your life!
Transfer to a Different School
Sometimes, students need a new start. There are three school districts on Whidbey Island:
- Coupeville School District: 501 South Main St., Coupeville, (360) 678-2400
- Oak Harbor School District: 390 S. Oak Harbor St., Oak Harbor, (360) 279-5000
- South Whidbey School District: 5520 S. Maxwelton Rd., Langley, (360) 221-6100
You can request to attend any of them. It is often easy to transfer, but there are some requirements.
You must complete a district transfer request form:
Turn your form into the district office of the school district you are transferring out of.
Make an appointment with the school building counselor or principal of the school district you are transferring into.
Each district has programs which may interest you or help you. Take a close look at the course descriptions (available at their web sites) to see if there is a good connection for you. Check out the alternative schools or programs to see if they may be a good fit.
Food Banks
You and your family can get help with groceries. There are three food banks on Whidbey Island:
Gifts from the Heart – Coupeville
203 N Main St., Coupeville WA 98239 (Boys & Girls Club building)
Open: every other Wednesday: 2:00-5:00 PM
Help House – Oak Harbor
1091 Hathaway, Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Open: M, W, Th, F: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Good Cheer Farm – Langley
2812 Grimm Rd, Langley, WA 98260
Open: M 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM, Tu 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM, W 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Aimee Bishop
Transition Specialist